miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Open Post: Fictional story about a historical event

Our last project in ENGL 1050 class is a fictional story about a historical event.
The historical that my group choose to write about is "Death of Diana, Princess of Wales”, August 31, 1997” The main topic that I'd like to cover is the role played by the press and the media both, in the accident and the death of Diana.
I will use the point of view of a fiction character, an Italian journalist named Fabio Rossini, who was covering everything related to Princess Diana and was an eyewitness of the accident occurred in the tunnel Du Pont de l'Alma in France.
Fabio Rossini are identified as possibly responsible for the accident because he was one of the journalist chasing Diana. Once the accident happened, all the paparazzi in the place of the accident were taking pictures of the car smashed, instead of call the emergency.
Fabio Rossini has days chasing Diana through France and was one of the first people to write about the new romance of Diana, and taking many of the photographs that were published in the Italian media. In the story, this journalist is a person who uses unscrupulous ways to achieve any news or image related to Diana Spencer, because he knows that news of it are well paid by the newspapers and magazines around the world.

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Reading Quiz/Blog Post for November 21: Shadow of No Towers

What is the dominant impression you get from the comic? What do you make of the title of Spiegelman’s series of comics? What is going on in the frames and in the gutters?

The first impression I have when reading this comic is that of chaos. Then elements of humor are appreciated ironic and critical to the reaction and response that was in relation to the events of World Trade Center.
The name reflects the intention that had a certain part of society to take refuge under the events of September 11 to validate the abuse and manipulation by power.

Discuss the images in the comic. What do you make of the various ways in which Spiegelman draws his character (human, cartoon human, mouse, etc.)? Why is he doing this? What effect does it have on his narrative?

The fact that there are anthropomorphic characters such reflects the author's idea of showing non-humanized characters and how they can be manipulated.

Examine the narrative through the text. What does the text do in this piece? What function does it serve?

The text serves as a reflection of the chaos in the events after the 9 / 11. The text gives the impression of a babelic dialogue and sometimes nonsensical, only reflecting the lack of clear communication that exists in modern times when everyone wants to show how a particular event affects them.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Reading Quiz/Blog Post for November 16

  • This narrative's genre is categorized as science fiction. Discuss the effect of using time travel as a narrative device. Why use it? What does it provide for the story?
The fact that the author use time travel as a means to tell the story, adds a factor of anxiety, which is reflected through the protagonist and her husband. I think it's also a way to see how a story that belongs to another time, it affects someone who lives in the present, in contemporary times, this way the reader wonders how I would have felt I have traveled back in time or would have reacted to interact with someone from another era. The author points out, through the protagonist, the differences between past and present, in relation to how people are treated depending on their ethnic origin.

  • Identify 3 or 4 places in the text where research comes in. Where do you see historical facts? Where do you see things you could look up or even footnote? 
The places where work is seen research by the author are (1) the beach in which the child is choking. (2) Then the company owned by the family of Rufus, as well as cotton fields in which the author shows that consultants perhaps history books or historical documents of the date.

  • How is historical fact seamlessly woven into this obviously fictional narrative?
The author shows not only historical data but also adds to this character that serves as the protagonist of the events and can also live firsthand the discrimination of which were people of color objects.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Research and Sources

Today we were in the library, checking books and resources for our latest project in the course ENGL 1050.

It was interesting to use the search tools offered by the library as well as other options offered by the professor in class. Although I had used the search option Power Search , the professor showed alternatives and specific advice on how to make this search more accurate.

It is interesting to note that the catalog available in the library has many resources online, which can be used both by students of the university, as anyone with internet access.

Link to the Power Search: http://www.wmich.edu/library

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Reading Quiz/Blog Post for November 9

The impact of reading the stories in the narrative style conscious, is the feeling that you were experiencing the events. In reading the descriptions that the author shows in the text, we see the impact that each event has on him.

Clearly the author wants to keep a detailed account of all events, as accurate as possible, with the intention of converting the text into a historical narrative. We can determine who your audience is interested in knowing the historical events that occurred in the Siege of Warsaw. The author decided to tell these historical facts and giving less importance to your thoughts or feelings because they felt that these would be of greater significance after the time pass.

On page 167, Lewin Enters His diary for the first time with His Own Thoughts and feelings. What do you make of This Moment?

The sensation one feels when first introduced Lewin their feelings and thoughts is that he is really upset by the events and express what they feel is a form of relief.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

Open Post

Today we need to publish an open post. I decide to post a fragment of my reflective essay about the genre transformation project, in specific, the excerpt related to the genre Play.



In the case of genre Play, I decided to follow the rules regarding the format of the dialogues, as well as highlight the conflict between the characters. An example of this is that at first the Prince asked the Fox to drop the tree to play with him because he is boring. The Fox's answer is:

The Fox: I'm sorry, I can not leave. Nor Can we play, it Would be dangerous for you. I am not tamed.”

In this example it is evident as one of the characters want something, while the other does not want. This difference of opinion results in a tension between the characters that reflects the conflict. Then, we see how this conflict is increased when the Fox decides to play with the prince, and now the conflict is that each character has a different vision of the future and the things they want to do.


Writing the play, I wanted to capture the sense of innocence of the Little Prince, as well as make clear references to the friendship and bond between the characters. To explain the innocence, I use the recurring questions from the Little Prince to any aspect that the Fox describe.This attitude is the same that we can notice in children at an early age, when they begin to discover the world and all it seems that encloses an amazing mystery. In relation to the friendship between the characters, I wanted to create an analogy between the meaning of friendship and a fire. First, I introduced this element (which is not present in the original play) at the beginning of the dialogue when the prince says:

The Little Prince: You're so beautiful, You have red hair, you look like a little flame escaping from a fire. Can you make a fire? Sometimes when I'm cold, I try to, But my hands are so cold I can hold the logs hardly. Then I huddle in my coat and begin to imagine That I am sitting in front of a bonfire.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Little Prince and the Fox: Synopsys


The Prince is looking across several planets the perfect flower for his garden and visit the Fox. At the first time, the prince is amazed by the beauty of the fox, who explains the prince that he can not play because he is not tamed. The prince is interested in knowing the meaning of the word tame and the fox explains that it is bonding, doing this a relationship of friendship between men, which is the main theme of the fable.images.jpeg
Fox explains that among them there is no relationship at that time and that the Little Prince is only one person among thousands and that neither needs each other, but adds that if the Little Prince will then tamed him, then, they will need each other. By understanding that means tame, and create relationships, build a relationship and make the other person need to oneself.

Then the Fox has expressed the interest to be tamed by the prince, showing that needs a friend. But the Little Prince says that he does not have time, because he need "Find friends and meet a lot of things" which makes it impossible to create the loops. The Fox then explains to the prince that the problem of men is precisely this, because they do not want to cultivate friendships and never have time to create real relationships. This is perhaps one of the main points of the story, because it explains how man feels more enjoyable modern consumerism or buy things already made, unlike the real relations, which are born of time and dedication.