lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011


Introducing my Self:

My name is Robert Alexander, and I born in a cold morning in the country of the eternal summer; Dominican Republic. My mom is a nurse and I was the third kid, so she was prepared when I started to request my entry to this world.

I'm studying Film in Western Michigan University, but previously, I was studying and working in theater for a while. I really enjoy write in a blog. I was posting things about theater since 2004 in my blog Cargamento de Sueños (Loading of dreams).

I'm really excited about writing only in english, I hope to do it well. Maybe I will receive many corrections and I will feel comfortable with this, I'm here (at western) to improve all my skills, and correct many mistakes as possible. This is my first post and with the help of my readers, Saint Google and Mother Wikipedia not the last.


The blog that I choose to make a analysis is "La Petite Claudine"

Purpose: This is a informative blog.

Audience: Literature lovers, pop culture fans.

Stance: La Petite Claudine is written in informal way. And some post could be ironic.

Media & Design : It´s written in a electronic media, and sometimes she (the writer) uses images and youtube videos to explain her point of view or to talk broadly about a specific topic.

Context: This blog talk about the copyleft´s fight in a period of censorship. And how the new technology can remplace old ways of thinking. It´s written in a political context, but in a political context that argues about the freedom of expression in a world that seems to be everyday more communicated and controlled as well.

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