lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Rough Draft in Outline: Scott Adam's "Dilbert"

Robert Santana
Rough Draft 

The image is about a character named Dilbert who is talking with his mother in their house. The scene takes place in three frames. And the mother makes references to an email that she send this day to Bill Gates saying something positive about the Microsoft competitor.

Dilbert is a character related to the world of computing and this comic is used to criticize or satirize some aspects of this world. It is addressed to the public that understands technology and information and is intended to create humorous situations from ironic elements of this environment.

Ethos: The comic strip Dilbert is about and who almost always has a more balanced vision of the computer world. This comic is well known and published in hundreds of newspapers worldwide, as well as electronically through the portal.

Logos: The fact that an elderly woman has resorted to an advanced task to send a message to the most powerful man in the world computer does not have much logic. Nor the answer he makes to this message.
Pathos: There is some anger in the mother's message, and fear in response to this message Bill Gates.

  1. Scott Adam's “Dilbert” to successful makes his argument that  the competition between Linux and Windows is disproportional.
  2. Even a older person can use Linux.
    1. In the first, Dilbert's mother tells him she has done something with the keyboard of the PC.
    2. The mother seems to be a normal user. It represent that even a normal user can operate Linux operative system.
    3. When the Dilbert´s mother said that she was using Linux, Dilbert made a normal expression.
  3. The competition between Windows and Linux is similar to David and Goliath.
    1. In the second frame mother tells him she has repeatedly send a message to Bill Gates saying "Linux Rules."
    2. The mother is a normal person, not an advance user or a people of business and she decide to send a direct message to an big company like Microsoft.
    3. Dilbert show an expression of surprise, because he knows that it can represent a bad reaction from Microsoft.
  4. Microsoft reacts in a disproportional way to individual users.
    1. At the third frame we see Bill Gates as if in an operations center saying: "Launch the Competition keeper Missiles."
    2. In the third frame we see a Bill Gates in a center of operation, giving orders to employees.
    3. We see a big organization reacting with missiles to a simple email message.
  5. Scott Adams shows Microsoft as a evil organization
    1. Bill Gates doesn’t answer the email with another email.
    2. The image in Bill Gates in a control center is related to movies of science fiction like Star Wars.
    3. Bill Gates show no flexible to comments in favor of the competition.
  6. Linux users think that Windows is bad for Linux
    1. The mother choose Microsoft instead of Apple or other companies.
    2. The mother send thousands of emails to an specific person.
    3. The message and the way of sending shows a certain adverse attitude.
    1. Conclusion: In the computer world of Linux distributions are related to an advanced knowledge of operating systems. This is what makes comic that Dilbert's mother said that she used the system to send a large amount of emails. Second factor that makes the picture hilarious is to see how the president of a huge company cares about this fact and respond from a control center that refers to science fiction. This is not a fair competition between the two operating systems. We see how Linux has charisma of certain independent groups. In another hand, Windows is the product of a big company, Microsoft.

2 comentarios:

ryanrytlewski dijo...

The thesis statement is pretty clear. Linux is better than Microsoft.

There are more than 5 pieces of evidence.
The Evidence is fully developed and fleshed out.
I think you should address the mothers role a little bit more, also explain the missiles roll in the comic.

The evidence is organized in order of the three frames.
The argument is plausible and it is very well supported.
I think this because everyone has their favorite operating system, mine is the Mac, and this comic shows that Microsoft is a huge superpower that is in control of most things in the computer world, and that Linux is a viable company that is just as good as Microsoft or better.

I am persuaded by the argument and it is very strong.
I am interested in this topic and there is very strong evidence in the piece.
The tone and voice is very appropriate

No repeated errors that I could find.

juanxrozo dijo...

Purpose: The thesis statement is easily identifiable, but it could be more assertive and clear. The thesis states that Linux is a better operating system.

Detail/ Development: There are several pieces of supporting evidence that relate to the thesis. All 5 supporting statements have at least 3 other pieces of evidence that provide even more support.

Organization/ Coherence: The outline is well organized, which makes the argument very persuasive. It is very well supported, and the only thing that I would elaborate on is the thesis.

Audience/ Stance: When I first read the comic, I did not fully understand its meaning. However all the supporting evidence explains each frame of the comic, allowing you to understand where the argument is coming from.

Language/ Conventions: All of supporting statements make a clear valid point, but the thesis could be elaborated on in order to persuade the reader even before they read the supporting evidence.

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